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Takeshi Hoshikawa, Kazuyuki Inagaki. 2022. "Global Financial Crisis and Demand for the US Dollar as an International Currency" in Matsubayashi, Yoichi, and Shigeto Kitano, eds. "Global Financial Flows in the Pre-and Post-global Crisis Periods": Springer, Chapter 4, Pages 99-112.
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Hoshikawa, Takeshi. "Exchange Rate Rebounds after Foreign Exchange Market Interventions ". Western Economic Association International, 91st Annual Conference, July 2, 2016, Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, Oregon.
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Journal of International Money & FinanceAJapan and the World Economy A Applied Economics AApplied Financial EconomicsAEconomic ModellingA‹à—ZŒoÏŒ¤‹†
2Í‚ÍHoshikawa, T. "The causal relationships between foreign exchange intervention and exchange rate ". Applied Economics Letters, Volume 15, Issue 7 June 2008, pages 519-522A
3Í‚ÍHoshikawa, T. "Impulse Response Function of the Exchange Rate Volatility to a Foreign Exchange Intervention Shock". ¶‹îŒoϘ_‘pA ‘æ7Šª‘æ1†A2009”NA599|617A
4Í‚ÍHoshikawa, T. "The Effect of Intervention Frequency on the Foreign Exchange Market: The Japanese experience". Journal of International Money & Finance, Volume 27, Issue 4, June 2008, Pages 547-559 ‚ðŽQÆ‚µ‚Ä‚‚¾‚³‚¢B)